About Tammy Adams

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The Third Generation

Tammy is the 3rd generation here at Virgil Adams real estate, following in Virgil and Dennis’s footsteps. Before returning to Olympia in 2010 she was a Realtor in California representing buyers and sellers, specializing ranchettes, ranches, residential & investment properties.  She also dealt with bank owned homes and short sales.

She is a Washington native born and raised here in Olympia where she graduated from Olympia High School.  She attended Western Washington University later transferring and graduating from Central Washington University with her bachelor’s in Marketing and Purchasing Management.  Prior to becoming a Realtor she worked for a large retail company and was a purchaser at an aeronautics company in Montana.  Tammy has been an active member of her community belonging to Olympia Rotary, Lacey Chamber of Commerce, numerous fundraisers and part of the city of Olympia planning commission.

In her spare time she enjoys being with her family, snowboarding, being on the water, rowing, riding horses and being outside enjoying all the Pacific Northwest has to offer. When time allows you may find her visiting her sister and brother in-law in Montana enjoying his family ranch and her nephews.

At a young age you could find Tammy and her sister Trisha working side by side with their grandfather Virgil when he was developing some of Thurston Counties premier developments.  From counting trees to riding on a bulldozer with Virgil these girls saw vacant land turn into custom dream homes and got to witness the smiles on peoples faces when they got their keys.  Their family has developed 40+ neighborhoods around the county.  If you have been in Thurston County you have most likely driven by or been in one of the family projects.

Real estate is not just a family tradition it is a passion. Specializing in residential, land, waterfront, horse properties, investments and vacant land. Tammy always looks forward to meeting new clients and creating lasting relationships.  Her connections in Olympia run 3 generations deep so you know you will always have a great working relationship with other local business professionals helping you through your real estate transactions and beyond!

 Direct: 360-584-2736   Email: tammy@virgiladamsre.com

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A Word From Tammy


Tammy Adams

Third Generation Real Estate Broker
It’s not just a career it’s a passion, I plan on being here for quite some time!  I want to be your source for all real estate needs.